Dramatically reduce the visible appearance of scarring through our dermatologists’ extensive range of laser treatments.
As a natural part of the body’s healing process, scars may shrink in size or change in appearance and colour, but they may not completely disappear. They may also become unwelcome reminders of a past condition or surgery. However, there are treatments that we offer here at Glow Medispa, located in Sydney CBD, we can improve the appearance of scars, helping them blend in with surrounding skin.
Scar revision, also known as scar correction surgery, generally refers to improving a scar. This may be a surgical scar, in which case there are a few surgical options to create a better scar if it’s with relation to acne scarring, which tends to be more diffuse than it can relate to and using treatment modalities to minimise the appearance of scars.
These modalities may include laser and other ablative treatment options, radiofrequency can also be used, as can other methods including fillers and manual procedures to release the scars and a combination of all of the above.
Types of Scars
Our dermatologists can help revise surgical scars; those resulting from abdominoplasty surgery, acne scarring, breast or body surgery (including Caesarean-sections), flame or chemical burning, keloid scars, nose surgery, skin cancer or mole removal scars, stretch marks, facial scars including those from facelift surgery, and transplants.
Scar Revision Treatments
- Ablative Lasers – These lasers work best on acne scarring, elevated scars, trauma scars and surgical scars. It works by removing the top layer of the scar, as well as stimulating new collagen production, called ‘dermal remodelling’.
- Dermabrasion – This employs the use of a machine to remove the top layers of the scarred area of skin. As the skin surface heals the scars become less obvious.
- Dermal Fillers – This procedure is effective for atrophic scars or depressions. It uses hyaluronic acid to decrease the depth in the skin.
- Surgical Procedure – A simple surgical procedure such as subcision can improve the appearance of any visible scarring.
- Topical Treatment – By using tape, pressure applications, dressings, gels or ointments, our dermatologists can help treat and prevent scars from developing.
Acne Scar
With age, acne scarring can become more visible as the skin loses its collagen. Some patients with deep acne scars may require filler to restore the lost volume in the skin. Acne scar treatments are most commonly followed by laser treatments.
We advise patients to see a specialised dermatologist at Quayside Specialists for the best end results. This gives your dermatologist the opportunity to examine the patients’ skin and establish a treatment plan customised to your acne scarring severity.
Our dermatologists find that it is often not acne scarring alone that is the concern, and there is usually a different underlying skin condition to address. This is why it is important to see a specialist dermatologist, especially if you are unsure of exactly what treatment you require for your specific condition.
Types of Acne Scars
Acne scarring is multimodal and is often best to have more than one treatment option available. The type of treatment you undergo will depend on the scarring and the severity of the effects on your skin. Atrophic scars appear as divots in the skin and require a procedure to release the contracted areas and restore volume. Types of atrophic scars and what they look like include:
- Ice Pick Scars – Ice pick scars are deep, slim, indented scars. They are most typically deeper than they are wide. They are very common and often described as if the skin has been prodded with a toothpick.
- Boxcar Scars – Boxcar scars are wider than they are deep (dissimilar to ice pick scars) with sharply defined edges.
- Rolling Scars – Rolling scars are broad depressions in the skin. Hence the name, they have sloping edges that appear ‘rolling’.
- Mixed Scars – Some patients have a combination of acne scarring, which can require a fully customised treatment plan to help alleviate the visibility of scarring.
The dermatologists at Quayside Specialists, Sydney CBD, offers several forms of treatments available for acne scarring, some of which include skin peels, laser treatments, and dermal injectables (fillers).

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Acne Scar Causes
When you have an acne breakout, the inflamed area penetrates the skin deeply and causes damage to the underlying skin and tissue. As the acne clears, the body will try to repair it.
During this healing process, the body will produce collagen. However, depending on how your body responds to the healing process and how much collagen is produced, will depend on the outcome, the type of scar that will form depends on how much collagen your body makes.
Acne Scar Treatments
Whether you have minor acne scarring, or deep acne scarring, our dermatologist and the team of qualified nurses offer several treatments for different types of acne scarring. These can include:
- Chemical Peels – Chemical peels can help reduce visible signs of skin blemishes, fine lines and alleviate uneven skin pigmentation. Results can help patients get their rejuvenated, smoother, youthful skin back.
- Dermal Fillers – If the skin surrounding the acne scar is raised (the scar is sunken), using dermal filler can relax the surrounding skin, which may improve the appearance of acne scarring.
- Skin Care Regime – A dermatologist may prescribe you various medicated creams, those containing azelaic acid or hydroxy acids, for example.
- Skin needling – Skin needling, also known as collagen induction therapy, aims to stimulate your skin’s production of new collagen by repeatedly puncturing the skin using sterile, minuscule needles.
- Ablative Laser Treatment – Laser treatment is typically used on scars that were once treated with skin needling, or another previous treatment, for instance.
There are ablate procedures like lasers which can help resurface and there are other modalities like radiofrequency and whatnot that can also help as well. It’s often a combination of several modalities that will improve the appearance of acne scarring.
Request a consultation today with our experienced team with extensive specialist training who will be able to advise you regarding the suitability of each treatment plan.
Laser Acne Scar Treatment Sydney CBD
When you come in to see the dermatologists at Quayside Specialists, Sydney CBD, our team will ensure you feel self-assured about your decision and are fully informed on all the options suitable for your skin needs.
Contact us today to book a consultation or make an enquiry.